Light, D. (2011, February). Do web 2.0 right. Learning and leading, 38(5), Retrieved from
This article explored the different ways certain educators have attempted and are using the idea of blogging within their classroom; as well as blogging’s advantages and disadvantages within the classroom. Daniel Light is a researcher who gathers information about how technology is being used within the classrooms to enlighten future teachers on how to implement technology in their classrooms. One of the advantages of using blogs inside the classroom is a means of communication between the teacher and students, “The most successful individual blog tasks we learned about involved using the blog principally as a private means of communication between the teacher and each student.” (Light, 2011) This allowed educators to encourage students writing abilities through online journaling and gave the teacher an effective way to communicate with students individually. A disadvantage to the blog tasks is that, “students are very sensitive to the relationship between who they are communicating with and what they are talking about.” (Light, 2011) Some students are very careful as to who they speak with about certain topics. The idea of having a student’s ideas posted on the internet for all their peers to see and respond to can be a nerve-racking experience and can potentially discourage them from participating whole heartily.
1. Is there a way to help students feel comfortable with sharing their ideas through blogs with their peers? Without withdrawing them from the social aspect of blogging?
I think this idea to have full participation with blog assignments cannot be solely addressed within technology. I believe that this must be addressed within the classroom itself. It all comes down to the preconceived beliefs a student has; “I won’t be liked if I say this,” “people will think I’m weird if I do this.” If educators are able to implement teamwork and unity activities within their curriculum it would give further standing within their technology assignments.
2. The idea of using blogging within the classroom is a great thought, but what happens when students don’t finish their assignments and do not have a computer at their house?
While this is a concern, it is not as much of a major concern as in the past. A great number of the population nowadays have computers within their homes because without them, it'd be impossible to live daily live. Computers are a "necessity" in today's society. However, it really does depend on the location of the school. If the school is in an area where the population cannot afford computers it would be a different story. The teacher would have to make sure they give ample time for assignments to be completed in class.
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