Friday, March 4, 2011

Journal #4- It's Time to Trust Teachers with the Internet (NETS- IV, V)

Schaffhauser, D. (2010, December 1). It's time to trust teachers with the internet: a conversation with meg ormiston. Retrieved from

This article was an interview with Meg Ormiston who "consults with schools on incorporating technology into the classroom to reach 21st century learrners," and its importance in today's society. (Schaffhauser, 2010) It offered great insight into the perspectivies of teachers and the decision making of administrators. Schaffhauser discussed how, "teachers are going to give up using technology. If I were to keep hitting the wall again and again, I'd give up." (Schaffhauser, 2010) This statement rings true in so many schools. I know of teachers that don't use technology within their classroom because of all the blocking the district places. But that should be an excuse of why teachers don't implement technology into their classroom. Instead it should be a reason for them to fight harder to have technology within their classroom. Especially since, "[then kids] open up their smart phones, and there's not a block or filter, and they're sitting in your schools." The time for excuses has past its time for action.

Q1) This class has shown many technological tools and while they are all very cool, once I leave this class and become an educator will I use the technology I have learned? More importantly will I push for use of technology within my district?
             If I honestly think about it, I will continue to use the tools and programs that I am learning from this class when I leave but the idea of pushing an idea against adminstration is a bit scary. Especially since I will be a new educator and my main priority will be obtaining a job. I cannot say what type of district I will be teaching in because at this point I have no idea, I believe it all comes down to the type of adminstration I come in contact with.

Q2) Why does the adminstration take the easy way out when deciding technology?
            There are many aspects that the adminstration has to take into account when making these type of decisions. One reason would be the ability of network power that supports the schools. If there isn't enough, the administration isn't going to take much initiviative in trying to open up technology to the use of educators. This is an example of the difficultites that can be found with technology and also how easy it is for administration to continue in the ways they already are in so not to create "unnesessary" commotion.

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